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Posted on Dec 3, 2014 in General, Parents, Spotlight |

Comic Story Creations

Comic Story Creations

Excitement ran high in Wendy Cromie’s classroom recently when students turned a writing objective into pure fun.  Second graders had previously learned how to write a very short story which included a beginning, middle and end.  They were then given the chance to show their understanding in an entertaining, creative manner.  Mrs. Cromie first demonstrated a few getting-started tips for the app, Comic Maker HD. She then directed her second grade class to create a short story with a beginning, middle, and end using the comic creation app on their iPads.  The students jumped right in and completed this assignment with great enthusiasm.

When instructional technology specialist Paula Yezak asked several students to tell her about this learning activity, they eagerly taught her how to use the app in less than two minutes.  They explained that the ability to change backgrounds, characters, and text allowed them to be more creative and make the project more realistic.  These students appreciated that they could focus on the story instead of spending time drawing and coloring the background by hand.  Students also loved the ability to save the comic strip electronically to share with friends and family which allowed them to authenticate their learning.  They were chomping at the bit to do this again for another writing assignment.

Excitement and creativity in learning equals success! See the examples below.

Comic Story Example 1

Comic Story Example 2
