Osmo – Create Beyond the Screen
Mrs. Kylie O’Donnell at Castleman Creek Elementary is changing the way her second graders learn and create on the iPad with Osmos. The Osmo opens up the iPad to hands on play. It uses a mirror that interacts with the iPad’s camera by reflecting the tiles students are using on the floor as their playing field. The Tangram pieces help them learn spacial relationship and problem solving skills.
Students can also use the Osmo Words app to make learning new vocabulary come to life! The Osmo Masterpiece app uses just a sheet of paper and pen to create masterpieces of pictures taken by the students. Problem solving skills are primed with the Osmo Newton app where students can use everyday objects to manipulate the falling balls onto targets.
If you would like to learn more about Osmo check out their website at: https://www.playosmo.com/en/
Click to see students in action!